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The Year that was 2023! Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas

The Year That Was 2023!

read - 10 min Dec 22, 2023

Well, what a year 2023 has been!!

It started off like any other year with lots of things planned and lots of things to do but it ended up with a few twists and turns along the way!!


How it started...

At the start of the year my IG OrganiSZer course wasn't progressing as well as I had hoped. My OrganiSZing Canva Course didn't do too badly but nothing was generating sufficient income for me, so I looked for contract work, doing a job from my past life as a Tender Writer and document specialist for construction companies.


The work comes in...

All the while I was grateful for work from my friend Antonia from Arapawa Blue Pearls, helping her with Klaviyo and Shopify, which is still ongoing.

In May, SABRE Construction in Tauranga offered me some contract work as a Tender Writer and helping them sort out their documentation system and then it was all on.


Arapawa Island

Antonia needed help. With their whole family going to Alaska for two months for the salmon fishing season, someone had to look after their abalone and paua pearl business—I put my hand up.

From the 24th of May till the 6th of August I worked on Arapawa Island, while still doing the tender work for SABRE.


Sold on Staging

On my return home, my friend Susie from Sold on Staging, a Welington-based staging company,  asked me to help her get all her staging stock into an inventory system, so off I went to Wellington for a week to assist with that.

Turns out it was MUCH bigger job than we both thought and took a lot longer, but it's done!


The rest...

In October, Spyda and I were back working at Arapawa Island for a month, which was amazing!

With all of this contract work, my course updates stalled and are still incomplete, but as part of my first 12 Week Year, I have been working away at them and making great progress!


A Holiday Wish for You

2023 draws to a close with great aspirations for 2024 and so I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and look forward to catching up next year!

Big hugs till next time!

PS: Remember to download your 2024 annual planner and if you'd like updated calendar every year, make sure you select the YES radio button.

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