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Brainz Magazine Article - How to do a digital Marie Kondo

Brainz Magazine Article - How to do a digital Marie Kondo

organizing Aug 12, 2024

Brainz Magazine - How to do a digital Marie Kondo

If you know who Marie Kondo is, you'll know that she is the ultimate organizer of personal belongings.

Keeping your house and your wardrobes organized gives you peace of mind and declutters things around you. It gives you a sense of control over your environment and a calmness because you are not surrounded by chaos and more importantly, you know where to find things.

If this is not the feeling you experience while running your business but constantly finding yourself searching endlessly for files and getting frustrated and frazzled in the process, this article could help get you started on the road to organizing the computer side of your business.

Do you find yourself doing any or all of these five things? If you answered 'Yes' to any, chances are that your business is not running as efficiently as it could be and is not quite as tidy and organized as you'd like it to be.

  1. always just saving files to your computer desktop;
  2. using unclear or non-descriptive file names;
  3. not saving files that relate to the same thing in the same place;
  4. not having well-thought-out folder structures; and 
  5. inconsistency with filenames and where files are saved.

If this is something you struggle with click the button below to read the full article and get some tips on how to create some sanity and order in your computer filing system!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Big hugs till next time!


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